
Rules & Regulations of the College


Student's welfare and all round development of students are the top priorities and prime concern of Seema Dental College and Hospital. We believe every student has potential and therefore, we do every effort to groom and carve each and every student of our college, in the right spirit with regard to his/her academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, to make them not only an excellent dentist but also a good human being. In order to achieve this, students must abide by the College Rules and Regulations. The institute authority may take disciplinary action if any student violates the rules and regulations of institute. Students are advised to adhere to the College Rules and Regulations as given below and discharge their responsibilities as a student with diligence, fidelity and honor.


  1. Students shall behave with dignity and courtesy inside and outside the college. Each student shall show due respect and courtesy to the teachers, administrators, non- teaching staff of the Institute and to the visitors & patients of the Institute and good behavior with fellow students. While attending any function in college or outside institution, the students will conduct themselves in such a way as to bring recognition to themselves and to the institution.

  2. Students shall observe strict modesty in dress. All students must wear neat and clean college uniform along with White Apron (with name plate) in college premises and hospital during college working hours.

  3. Students should wear identity cards inside the campus including departments, class rooms, mess and library and also when attending any meetings outside the campus. I- Cards are to be worn round the neck and this drill is compulsory. Any violation of these orders will lead to disciplinary action.

  4. Students must follow strictly PUNCTUALITY and DISCIPLINE in the College. Irregular attendance, unjustified absence or objectionable moral behavior justifies suitable disciplinary action. We expect the students to maintain High Standards of Conduct and Ethics, keeping the College Campus clean and peaceful.

  5. All students are required to attend all kinds of classes like lecturers, demonstrations, practicals, clinics, extra classes, remedial classes, doubt classes, etc. regularly. As per DCI norms, 75% attendance both in theory and practicals/clinics separately is compulsory for UG students to appear in University Examination. Any student falling short of attendance will not be allowed to appear in University Examination. Medical or any other leave granted will not be compensated towards absenteeism from the required


    attendance (i.e. 75% attendance) and will be entertained in 25% absenteeism for which students are entitled.

  6. All students are required to appear in all internal assessments/class tests/periodic tests conducted by College/Departments positively as per academic calendar. No Student will be granted leave during any internal assessment/class tests/periodic tests except in serious cases of illness. If there is any justified ground for leave, the student has to take prior permission from the concerned Principal/Head of Department for not appearing in internal assessment/class test.

  7. It would be highly desirable that Parents/authorized guardians visit the College periodically and meet the Principal and Heads of Departments in order to know the academic progress and attendance of their wards.

  8. Any student suffering from a contagious/infectious disease will not be allowed to attend the lecturers/demonstrations/practicals/clinics and will not be allowed to stay in hostel till his/her recovery. A Medical Fitness Certificate, after treatment, issued by a registered medical practitioner, has to be produced by the student before he/she is allowed to attend the lecturers/demonstrations/practicals/ clinics and to stay in hostel.

  9. Students are not allowed to paste any notice/pamphlet or to write any statement/ slogan within the institution without prior permission from the Principal/college authorities.

  10. Students are advised not to harm the reputation of the institute or individual (fellow students and institute staff) through social and electronic media.

  11. No student is allowed to communicate directly with outside authorities like persons from press, electronic media, district administration, etc.; all such communications must be submitted through the Principal. Any student found violating this rule justifies suitable disciplinary action against him/her.

  12. Spitting, smoking and throwing bits of paper inside the institute campus are harmful and must be avoided.

  13. Refrain from possessing, consuming or distributing alcohol, harmful drugs, narcotics, ghutkas, and smoking cigarettes. Possession/use of narcotics, any banned drug and alcoholic beverages, smoking, ghutkas, and gambling/betting are STRICTLY PROHIBITED inside the institution. Any student found guilty shall be liable for strict disciplinary action in the form of financial punishment, suspension from attending lecturers/ demonstrations/practicals/clinics or temporary or permanent expulsion from college or and hostel or debarring from giving Internal Assessment Examinations or University Examinations. The college has zero tolerance policy on this matter.

  14. Possession of any kind of fire arm/weapon, banned literature or movie CDs/DVDs, DVD player, etc. is STRICTLY PROHIBITED inside the institution. Any student found guilty shall be liable for disciplinary action.


  15. Students who are found indulging in any kind of physical assault or in use of derogatory/ abusive/offensive/vulgar language or in making bad/unacceptable remarks on any religion or cast or in issuing any kind of threat against any member of the teaching/non- teaching staff of the institute or of outsider and against any fellow student and patient/visitor within the premises of the institute or outside the institute shall be liable of strict disciplinary action in the form of financial punishment, suspension from attending lecturers/demonstrations/practicals/clinics or temporary or permanent expulsion from college or and hostel or debarring from giving Internal Assessment Examinations or University Examinations.

  16. RAGGING is “any disorderly conduct whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness any other student, indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or a junior student or asking the students to do any act or perform something which such student will not do in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or a junior student.

  17. Ragging or any act that comes under the definition of ragging is STRICTLY PROHIBITED in the college premises and outside institution. “No act of ragging shall be tolerated and any act of ragging shall not go unnoticed or unpunished”. The college has Zero Tolerance Policy on this matter. Therefore, do not indulge in any act of ragging. Any incidence of ragging reported will be dealt by the college authorities as serious offence and is punishable in the form of Expulsion, Rustication, Suspension or fine with public apology.

  18. Any attempt of bribery or corruption in any manner justifies suitable disciplinary action.

  19. Use of unfair practices in tests/examinations, quizzes or assignments and noisy, unruly or any kind of objectionable behavior in class rooms/practical halls/clinics shall constitute violation of the code of conduct.

  20. Use of cell phones/mobiles is STRICTLY PROHIBITED in all academic areas of the campus including clinics. Anybody found using mobile, a fine of Rs.1000/- will be imposed. Use of cell phones would entail confinement of the handset and would be returned after payment of fine of Rs. 1000/-

  21. No responsibility will be accepted by the institute for any injury, loss or damage to the personal articles of students within or outside the college campus.

  22. Students are required to participate/attend the various functions/activities organized by the institute from time to time on various occasions like Independence Day, Republic Day, Annual Day, Founder’s Day, Sport’s week, Cultural week, value added courses, CDE PROGRAMMES, etc. whether these functions fall on working days or on holidays.


    Absence from these functions/activities without valid reasons shall not be viewed compassionately.

  23. The institute shall not be responsible for any accident of whatever nature occurring in the institute, hospital, clinics, hostel, laboratory and play ground or during educational tour/trips.

  24. Respect the institute property. Destroying or damaging the institute property isStudents should not destroy/damage, deface, remove the institute property, disturb or injure a person under the pretext of celebrating/inducting/pledging or for any other reason like rivalry, etc. The students will compensate for the damage inflicted upon the institute/hostel/library property, equipments/instruments, furniture and gardens caused by their negligence or willful acts. The cost of any damage so caused will be recovered from the students collectively if the responsibility for it cannot be fixed on any individual or group of individuals.

  25. It is unlawful for any person to mutilate any tree, shrub, or herbaceous plant or remove any identification sign or tag attached to it.

  26. Loud talking, loud music, loitering or congregating, being a source of distraction and annoyance to others is not permitted.

  27. The College is not responsible for any debts incurred by the student from any person or financial institution.

  28. College Fee must be paid in full within the specified date. Failing to pay fee in time, the students will not be allowed to attend the classes/practical/clinics or to appear in examinations. In such case he/she will have to first remit the actual fee along with any fine due on his/her part to enable him/her to attend the classes/practicals/clinics or to appear in examinations again.

  29. If the student leaves the college suo-motto or on direction of the authorities on account of disciplinary action, the student shall be liable to pay the fees for remaining years. If the student does not pay, the same can be recovered from the student in Court of Law.

  30. Tuition Fee/Hostel and mess Fee or any other fee once deposited by the students for any academic session will not be refunded-

    1. If the student wants to leave the hostel/course any time during the BDS/MDS course.

    2. On expulsion from the Hostel on account of disciplinary action taken against the student by the college authorities.

    3. On account of rustication from the college.

    4. If the student leaves the hostel due to prolong illness.


  31. Possession/use of firecrackers is STRICTLY PROHIBITED inside the institution. Do not smear colored powder and splash color water in the guise of festivals and functions on or during any other occasion in the hostel or college campus.

  32. Do not scribble on the desks or the black board or on the walls of the college and hostel.

  33. Students are not allowed to convene any kind of meeting in the campus or any sort of fund collected without the permission of the Principal or to circulate/display any kind of notice among students or on black boards or on notice board without the written permission of the Principal. No information or report should be sent to press or board- casting agencies without the permission and approval of Principal.

  34. Do not be a part of any union or group or organization. Any move to form unions or groups of any type unauthorized by the Management and the college authorities is an offense. Students are strictly forbidden from engaging themselves in any political or other activities. Gathering in groups at roads, entrance, exit, pathways, gardens etc, is strictly prohibited.

  35. Students are expected to read notices/circulars displayed on the college/department/ hostel notice boards/WhatsApp group. Ignorance of not reading any notice/circular displayed shall not be accepted as an excuse for failing to comply with the directions contained in it.

  36. Students are forbidden from entering the institute/hostel during unspecified hours.

  37. Inform the college authorities any change in personal details like mobile number, email id or address immediately. Any change in personal details or address or mobile number will be accepted in prescribed format only available with Executive Director/Chief Warden.

  38. No UG/BDS student is allowed to keep any vehicle in the College campus. Use of vehicle is not allowed for undergraduate students. Parents are advised to restrain themselves from allowing their ward for personal use of vehicle as they are more prone to accident due to rash driving. College will not take any responsibility for any damage/loss/theft of vehicle or injury to the student outside the college campus. Student’s vehicle will not be allowed to enter the institute premises at any cost.

  39. The College Management or any college authority is not responsible for the loss, theft, or damage of any personal property owned, operated, or possessed by the student, their parents, or family members which may be held, located or stored in any residence unit or anywhere else on the institution-owned or leased property. The students understand and expressly agree to accept all risks of such losses or damages.

  40. Students living outside/day scholar students are not allowed to enter the college campus after college working hours. During college working hours, their entry is allowed up to college library only. They are not allowed to enter any hostel during and after college working hours; doing so will be serious violation of College Rules & Regulations.


  41. During college working hours (Mon.-Fri.: 8:00 AM to 4:00 pm and Sat.: 8:00 am to 12:00 Noon), students are not allowed to leave the college premises and to go out of the college campus. However, in case of any emergency or urgent work, the students may leave the college campus after getting a written permission from HODs/appropriate college authority. Day Scholar students are also required to mark their entry and exit in the Day Scholar register available at college gate.

  42. The college may change/add the College Rules & Regulations time to time.

  43. The students and their parents are strongly advised to keep themselves aware of the College Rules and Regulations. Ignorance/violation of College Rules and Regulations shall not be accepted.


Following Hostel Rules & Regulations have been framed and laid-down for the smooth functioning of the hostel and for the safe & comfortable stay of students in college hostel. UG (BDS) and PG (MDS) Students seeking to avail hostel facility have to note that hostel accommodation will only be allotted to those students who believe leading a Spartan life and remain disciplined. The residents of the Hostels are required to strictly abide by the Hostel Rules & Regulations as given below.

  1. First and foremost, in case of any emergency (including illness), please contact immediately to the HOSTEL CHIEF WARDEN or concerned WARDEN/FACULTY IN- CHARGE on duty. All students must feel free to report to HOSTEL CHIEF WARDEN/WARDEN/FACULTY IN-CHARGE for any kind of problem and students must abide by the orders as given by the Hostel Chief Warden/Warden/Faculty In-Charge.

  2. In case of any illness, the students must inform to HOSTEL CHIEF WARDEN/ WARDEN/FACULTY IN-CHARGE available on duty and must consult Medical Officer or nursing staff available in the Hostel dispensary. If it is required or in case of serious illness or if hospitalization is required, the Hostel Chief Warden/Warden/Faculty In- Charge will initiate appropriate action.

  3. Students are responsible for keeping their rooms neat and clean. Common premises suchas corridors, lobbies, stairs, common room and other such areas must be kept clean and tidy.

  4. Students shall not keep any valuable/cash in excess with them in their allotted Rooms. The Hostel Chief Warden/Warden/Faculty In-Charge or any college authority shall not be held responsible for any loss, theft or damage of such articles/cash.

  5. Lights/Fans/AC or any other electric gadget/appliance must be SWITCHED OFF before leaving the rooms. Misuse of electricity, water and other facilities will be liable for penalty.


  6. Gas/electric stoves, cooking and ironing are not allowed in the Hostel Rooms.

  7. Parents/visitors are not allowed to stay in Student's rooms. They may wait and meet their wards in the Visitor's Room next to Hostel. If any Parent/visitor wishes to enter hostel for specific reason, the student has to take prior permission from Hostel Chief Warden/Warden. No hosteller shall permit any other person to live in his/her room.

  8. Day scholars or any outsiders cannot be called to enter hostel. Any hostlers found accompanying a day scholar in hostel or facilitating a day scholar's stay will immediately be asked to vacate the hostel.

  9. Inmates shall not entertain any vendor or any other person inside the hostel premises.

  10. Spitting, smoking and throwing bits of paper in hostel premises are harmful and must be avoided.

  11. Refrain from possessing, consuming or distributing alcohol, harmful drugs, narcotics, ghutkas, and smoking cigarettes. Possession/use of narcotics, any banned drug & alcoholic beverages, smoking, ghutkas, and gambling/ betting are STRICTLY PROHIBITED inside the institution and hostel. Any student found guilty shall be liable for strict disciplinary action in the form of financial punishment, suspension from attending lecturers/demonstrations/practicals/clinics or temporary or permanent expulsion from college or and hostel or debarring from giving Internal Assessment Examinations or University Examination. THE COLLEGE HAS ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY ON THIS MATTER.

  12. Possessing any kind of fire arms, banned literature, etc. is STRICTLY PROHIBITED in hostel. Any student found guilty shall be liable of disciplinary action.

  13. Students are required to follow timings of meals in the allotted Dinning areas. No student is allowed to take his/her meal in his/her hostel room, expect in case of severe illness (with the prior permission of the Hostel Chief Warden/Warden). Students are advised to be properly dressed during breakfast, lunch and dinner. Avoid food wastage in mess; the students found wasting food will be fined.

  14. Students cannot enter the mess kitchen or give instructions to the cooks or other servants. Complaints regarding food quality, if any, may be brought to the notice of the Hostel Chief Warden/Warden/Faculty In-Charge.

  15. Every student is required to submit the photographs and photo id (Aadhar card) of their parents/local guardian at the time of admission to the Chief Warden/Warden. These authorized persons will only be allowed to meet the students in college campus on holidays or on other days or to take them outside the college campus with prior approval from Principal or appropriate college authority.

  16. Gate pass system for students proceeding on leave on vacations (summer & winter vacations), holidays (deepawali, holi, etc.), weekend (Saturday & Sunday), etc. is as follows-

    Students shall not be allowed go outside the college campus for home or any other


    place on weekend, vacation or holidays or for any other work without Gate Pass. During college working days, without the permission from the parents, no student will be allowed for night stay/halt with local guardian, relatives or friends at outside the collegehostel. Students will be allowed go outside the college campus for home or any other place on weekend, vacation or holidays or for any other work only after getting the Gate Pass as given below-

    1. The students must obtain Gate Pass from the Hostel Chief Warden/Warden, if they wish to go outside the college campus for home or any other place on weekend (i.e. from Saturday 12:30 pm to Monday 7:30 AM). The Gate Passes will be issued by the Hostel Chief Warden/Warden to the students, only after getting the SMS of parents/guardians from their registered mobile numbers. After returning to the hostel, the students are required to report to the Hostel Chief Warden/Warden/Faculty In- Charge.

    2. In case, the students wish to go outside the college campus for home or any other place on vacation or holidays or for any other work on working days; their parents/ registered guardians have to send the SMS for the same to Chief Warden through SMS from their registered mobile numbers. Before the gate pass is issued, the leave of the students will be first granted/sanctioned by the Principal or designated faculty on behalf of the Principal. Once the leave is granted, gate passes will be issued by the Chief Warden/warden/Faculty-in-Charge. After returning to the hostel, the students are required to report to the Hostel Chief Warden/Warden/Faculty In-Charge. The college authorities believe and trust that the number of days of leave, out-time & date, in-time & date and reason for leave that are mentioned in leave application of students & SMS of parents/registered guardians are true and correct. Hence, the College management or Chief Warden/warden or any other college authority will not be held responsible for any incorrect information given by the student/parents/guardian in SMS or leave application and for any mishappening/untoward/unpleasant incident if occurs with students outside the College Campus.

    3. To each student, two copies of gate pass (Security staff’s copy and Parents’ copy) will be issued. Students, who are proceeding on leave, vacation/holidays or weekend or for any other work, after obtaining the gate passes from their wardens, will submit the Security staff’s copy of gate pass to the security staff at the college gate. The students will carry the parents’ copy of gate pass with them, will get the signature of their parents on it and will submit it back to the warden at the time of reporting to the hostel. Parents’ copy of gate pass without signature of parents will not be accepted. If any


      student is found making forged/false signature of his/her parents on parents’ copy of gate pass, no college authority will be responsible and a strict disciplinary action will be taken against him/her.

      A strict disciplinary action will be taken against those students who are reported (by the security staff) going out of the college campus without submitting their gate passes or without making proper entry and sign in register or without giving finger impression.

    4. If any student does not report to the hostel in time as mentioned in the issued gate pass, he/she is required to send another SMS from his/her parents on the college mobile number mentioning the reason for not reporting in time. His/her parents are also required to mention the same reason on the back side of parents’ copy of gate pass. Under such circumstances, the leave already granted (& gate pass issued) will be extended after getting the SMS from their parents.

    5. The college authorities will not be held responsible for any kind of mishappening or untoward incident if occurs outside the college premises with any student, while travelling to home or to local guardinas or anywhere else while proceeding on leave/ vacations/holidays/weekend.


      1. For issuing the gate passes, the parents are required to send the SMS on mobile No. 9917032111 from their registered mobile numbers. The gate passes will be issued only after verification of SMS sent by the parents (or registered guardians) from their registered mobile number(s) on college mobile number 9917032111. The college authorities will not be responsible, if any kind of false/forged SMS is sent by the student on behalf of the parents or guardians on college mobile number 9917032111.

      2. If any student violates the rules and regulations of college gate pass system, he/she shall be liable for strict disciplinary action up to the expulsion from the hostel/college depending upon the gravity of the case.

  17. No gate pass will be issued during Internal Assessment/University Examinations, except in extra ordinary/unavoidable circumstances.

  18. Parents/guardians are requested to ensure that attendance of their wards remain more than 75% (theory and practical separately in each subject) in order to appear in University Examinations. Hence, frequent visits to home must be discouraged since shortage of attendance (less than 75%) will disqualify their wards to appear in University Examinations.


  19. Students need to register their names, time and signature in the Daily IN-OUT/leave register and to give finger impression in machine, available at the College Main Gate, every time while going out and coming in the College Campus.

  20. Daily out-in time, time of attendance in hostels and sports and gymnasium timings

    for UG (BDS) & PG (MDS) students residing in college hostels are as follows-


      1. The college timings are from 8:00 AM to 4:00 pm (Mon.-Fri.) and 8:00 am to 12:00

        1. The UG Students (BDS I, II, III & IV Year) are allowed to go out of the college premises for their day to day requirements (daily needs) in local area as per following schedule.


          Out time

          In time

          Mon. to Fri. (In working days)

          4:00 pm

          7:00 pm

          Sat. (In working days)

          12:30 pm

          7:00 pm


          10:00 am

          7:00 pm


          10:00 am

          7:00 pm

        2. The PG Students (MDS I, II & III Year) are allowed to go out of the college premises for their day to day requirements (daily needs) in local area as per following schedule.


        Out time

        In time

        Mon. to Fri. (In working days)

        4:00 pm

        9:00 pm

        Sat. (In working days)

        12:30 pm

        9:00 pm


        10:00 am

        9:00 pm


        10:00 am

        9:00 pm

      2. No student is allowed to leave the college premises in college uniform during daily out-in time. It is sincerely advised that the students should avail the daily out & in facility only when they are in genuine need and avoid moving out of college campus unnecessary.

      3. All UG & PG students, residing in the College Girl’s & Boy’s Hostels, are required to strictly follow the above mentioned daily out-in time and to make proper entry and sign in daily out-in register (available with security staff) at the college gate while leaving & entering the college premises. Every student is required to make only his/her own entry and sign in the daily out-in register. No student is allowed to make the entry and sign for other student(s). The students leaving the campus on leave gate pass are also required to make entry & sign in leave register (available with security staff) at the college gate.


        Further, while leaving and entering the college premises (on leave gate pass or for daily out-in), both UG & PG students shall give their finger impression in finger impression machine (present at college gate) to record their actual out-time and in- time, respectively.

      4. Since at the time of leaving and entering the college premises, students remain under the surveillance of CCTV cameras, they are sincerely advised to strictly follow the daily out-in time and avoid making any argument with security staff at college gate since their confrontation with security staff will be recorded. If any UG or PG student enters the college after the allowed in-time or is reported by the security staff to disobey the daily out-in time, a strict disciplinary action will be taken up to the expulsion from the hostel/college depending upon the severity of the case.

      5. No UG & PG student in any circumstances will be allowed by the security staff to go out of the college premises without making proper entry and sign in daily out-in register and without giving the finger impression in finger impression machine. A strict disciplinary action will be taken against those students who are reported (by the security staff) going out of the college premises without making proper entry and sign in daily out-in register or without giving their finger impression in finger impression machine.


        1. During above mentioned daily out-in time, the UG & PG students are believed to go to the local marketplaces to fulfill their daily needs/requirements. The students areThe college authorities will not be held responsible for any kind of mishappening or untoward/unpleasant incident or any accident if occurs/happens with any PG or UG student outside the college premises during daily out-in time.

        2. For safety and security reasons, all the PG & UG students are strongly advised not to go to the river banks, any ghat, beach, barrage, forest area or any other restricted or prohibited area during daily out-in time.

        3. In view of Covid-19, it is sincerely advised that all the UG & PG students should avail the daily out-in facility, only when they are in genuine need and should avoid moving out of college campus unnecessarily.

        4. Students are not allowed to attend or organize/host any party/get-together or any kind of function outside the college campus. The college authorities will not be held responsible for any kind of mishappening or untoward/unpleasant incident or


          any accident if occurs/happens with any PG or UG student outside the college premises due to attending or organizing any party/function or get together.

        5. College authorities will also not be held responsible for any misbehavior conducted by the students with outsiders and for its consequences. Going out of the college campus during daily out-in time or on leave gate pass is entirely at their own risk.


      For UG Students: For UG students, the attendance will be taken in hostels by their wardens at 9:00pm at ground floor. The doors of UG Hostels will be closed at 9:00 pm by the security staff every day and no UG student will be allowed to go out of the hostel building after 9:00 pm. The entry and exit of students from hostel remains under surveillance of CCTV camera.

      For PG Students: For PG students, the attendance will be taken in hostels by their wardens at 10:00 pm at ground floor. The doors of PG Hostels will be closed at 10:00 pm by the security staff every day and no PG student will be allowed to go out of the hostel building after 10:00 pm. The entry and exit of students from hostel remains under surveillance of CCTV camera.


    1. SPORTS

      Mon. to Fri. (In working days) 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm

      Sat. (In working days) 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm

      Sunday 10:00 am to 7:00 pm

      Holidays 10:00 am to 7:00 pm


    Mon. to Saturday 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

    (On Sunday & holidays the gymnasium shall remain closed.)

  21. Late entry in college campus (i.e. after 7:00 pm for UG students and after 9:00 pm for PG students) is NOT AT ALL ACCEPTABLE and amounts to violation of hostel rules and regulations. Defaulters will be dealt with fined and habitual late comers may be asked to vacate the hostel.

  22. Students availing Swimming Pool facility must submit indemnity bond and shall abide strictly by the swimming rules and regulations displayed at the entrance of swimming pool. They can swim in the Swimming Pool only in the presence of Trainer/Instructor.


  23. Any shifting/changing of room will be done as per following rules & regulations-

    Rules and Regulations for any shifting/changing of hostel room

    In cases, where the students who were initially staying in double sharing are presently staying in single room as their room partners have left the room due to any reason, the room shifting will be done as per following terms & conditions:-.

    Condition-1: Where both the students have never been shifted from their rooms earlier.

    In this case, examination marks of previous year will be the deciding factor. The one with lower marks will have to shift in the room of student with higher marks.

    .Student Studying in

    Marks to consider

    BDS I Year

    NEET score

    BDS II Year

    University BDS I Year Examination

    BDS III Year

    University BDS II Year Examination

    BDS IV Year

    University BDS III Year Examination


    University BDSIV Year Examination

    Condition-2: Where both Students have been shifted earlier.

    In this case, examination marks of previous year will be the deciding factor. The one with lower marks will have to shift in the room of student with higher marks, as mentioned in Table of Condition-1.

    Condition-3: Where one of the students has been shifted earlier.

    In this case, the student who has not been shifted earlier has to shift in the room of student who has already been shifted.


    1. If any student who has paid for double sharing and occupying the single room and is not willing/ready to shift his/her room with above terms and conditions, he/she will be required to pay the single room charges or he/she can vacate the hostel (no hostel fee will be refunded for that academic session).

    2. In any other case scenario/condition, the decision of Chief Warden for the allotment and shifting of rooms will be final.

  24. Transfer of any furniture or any other article from one hostel room to another, without the consent of the Chief Warden, is not allowed and amounts to violation of hostel rules and regulations


  25. Any damage to the hostel property must be reported immediately to the Chief Warden/warden. All willful damages incurred or even due to negligence are liable to be fined.

  26. Students found guilty of misbehavior or a serious deviation from the code of conduct laid down by the College/Hostel authorities can be summarily dismissed from the hostel, without any prior warning or notice.

  27. Any kind of get together and other gatherings like birth day celebration can be organized by hostellers in their rooms or in hostel area or in common room only after prior permission of the Chief Warden/Principal/Executive Director.

  28. The College authorities and Chief Warden/warden reserve the right to make surprise inspection of the Hostel rooms at any time during and after college hours.

  29. The College authorities reserve the right to move hostellers from one room to the other as and when required.

  30. Once a room is handed over, students will be held fully responsible for any loss or damage to the electric and bathroom fitting, furniture or any other property in the room.

  31. Any hosteller, who finds his/her room partner missing, must report to the Hostel Chief Warden/Warden/Faculty In-Charge immediately; this will help college authority to take immediate action.

  32. The College reserves the right to revise the Hostel Rules and Regulations and Hostel fee time to time. Hostel Fee once paid will not be refunded expect for the security amount. No hostel or and mess fee will be refunded for any academic session-

    1. If the student wants to leave the hostel/course any time during the BDS/MDS course.

    2. On expulsion from the Hostel on account of disciplinary action taken against the student by the college authorities.

    3. On account of rustication from the college.

    4. If the student leaves the hostel due to prolong illness.

  33. Hosteller UG/BDS students are not allowed to keep any vehicle in the College campus. They are also not allowed to drive any vehicle of others when they are out of the college premises. No college authority will be responsible for any road accident or untoward incident if occurs with any student while driving the vehicle. The possession and driving/use of vehicle by the hosteller UG/BDS student is completely at his/her own risk. Parents are advised to restrain themselves from allowing their ward for personal use of vehicle as they are more prone to accident due to rash driving. College will not take any responsibility for any damage/loss/theft of vehicle or injury to the student outside the college campus.


  34. Students are not allowed to keep TV, music system, DVD and CD players in Hostel rooms.

  35. During college hours no student is allowed to stay in the hostel without prior information to Chief Warden/Warden.

  36. Any activity of the inmates observed to be prejudicial and detrimental to the smooth and peaceful functioning of the college hostel will be viewed seriously by the management and disciplinary action will be taken against those found guilty. It is the responsibility of the inmates to do their best for maintaining discipline, peace and harmony in the hostel. The senior students are advised to set good examples to their juniors.

  37. Creating noisy or unruly scenes in Hostel or destroying academic ambience in any manner will mean instant vacation of hostel accommodation.

  38. If any student residing in college hostel takes any kind of step that is considered as an attempt to suicide or any other action that may cause danger to his/her life or other’s life will be permanently debarred to stay in hostel.

  39. Loud talking, loud music, loitering or congregating, being a source of distraction and annoyance to others is not permitted in the hsotel.

  40. The students and their parents are strongly advised to keep themselves aware of the Hostel Rules and Regulations. Ignorance/violation of Hostel Rules and Regulations shall not be accepted.


(Ragging has ruined countless innocent lives and careers. In order to eradicate it, Hon’ble Supreme Court in Civil Appeal No. 887 of 2009, passed the judgment wherein guidelines were issued for setting up of a Central Crisis Hotline and Anti-Ragging database. For details visit Anti Ragging Portal: www.antiragging.in)

RAGGING is “any disorderly conduct whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness any other student, indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychologicalharm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in a fresher or a junior student or asking the students to do any act or perform something which such student will not do in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or a junior student.”


Ragging is a reprehensible act which does not good to anyone. Indulging in ragging is deriving a Sadistic pleasure and showing-off power, authority or superiority over juniors, which is highly undesirable. No act of ragging shall be tolerated and will go unnoticed and unpunished. Ragging in all its forms is completely banned in universities, deemed universities and other higher educational institutions in the country.

What Constitutes Ragging?

Ragging constitutes one or more of any of the following acts:

  1. Any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student.

  2. Indulging in rowdy or in disciplined activities by any student or students which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship, physical or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in any fresher or any other student.

  3. Asking any student to do any act which such student will not in the ordinary course do and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame, or torment or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such fresher or any other student.

  4. Any act by a senior student that prevents, disrupts or disturbs the regular academic activity of any other student or a fresher.

  5. Exploiting the services of a fresher or any other student for completing the academic tasks assigned to an individual or a group of students.

  6. Any act of financial extortion or forceful expenditure burden put on a fresher or any other student by students.

  7. Any act of physical abuse including all variants of it: sexual abuse, homosexual assaults, stripping, forcing obscene and lewd acts, gestures, causing bodily harm or any other danger to health or person.

  8. Any act or abuse by spoken words, emails, post, public insults which would also include deriving perverted pleasure, vicarious or sadistic thrill from actively or passively participating in the discomfiture to fresher or any other student.

  9. Any act that affects the mental health and self-confidence of a fresher or any other student with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing off power, authority or superiority by a student over any fresher.


  10. Any act of physical or mental abuse (including bullying and exclusion) targeted at another student (fresher or otherwise) on the ground of color, race, religion, caste, ethnicity, gender (including transgender), sexual orientation, appearance, nationality, regional origins, linguistic identity, place of birth, place of residence or economic background.

Where can you get Help?

  1. We do not want you to feel that you are alone and helpless. We are all with you.

  2. Your Parents are there to help. Please do not feel that you will burden your parents. Talk to them freely and openly. If you are being ragged – it is not your fault. They understand that.

  3. The College Administration is there to help you– Please do not hesitate to ask for help. The college authorities will definitely help you. Do not accept any kind of act of ragging. In case of any act of ragging, report the same immediately to any member of Anti-Ragging Committee or Anti-Ragging Squad or Chief warden/warden/faculty in-charge/security staff (the detail list of Mobile numbers of Hostel Wardens, Members of Anti-ragging Committee & Squad is provided to the students at the time of admission/orientation programme).

  4. You can also call to Principal or any other appropriate college authority whenever you become victim of any kind of act that comes under ragging. College administration is absolutely firm in its conviction to curb and prevent any act of ragging and ensure that the stay of students in college is completely safe.

  5. In case of any act of ragging, you can also call any time on National Anti Ragging HelpIt is a free phone.

  6. You can also send an E mail on helpline@antiragging.in. You can register a complaint of Ragging on Email ID helpline@antiragging.in Anybody can register a complaint of Ragging. It does not have to be only the victim. If you notice an incidence of Ragging you must inform about the act of ragging. It is your duty to do so.

  7. At Anti Ragging Portal: www.antiragging.in, you can also register a complaint of Ragging-www.antiragging.in or visit www.amanmovement.org.

  8. You can also register the complaint of Ragging on Email ID antiraggingcell@dciindia.org

  9. You can call the local police and local administration; they are also there to help.


    You Can Contact In Case Of Ragging-

Administrative Actions In The Event Of Ragging:

  • The institution shall punish a student found guilty of ragging after following the procedure and in the manner prescribed here in under:

  • The Anti-Ragging Committee of the institution shall take an appropriate decision, in regard to punishment or otherwise, depending on the facts of each incident of ragging and nature and gravity of the incident of ragging established in the recommendations of the Anti-Ragging Squad.

  • The Anti-Ragging Committee may, depending on the nature and gravity of the guilt established by the Anti-Ragging Squad, award, to those found guilty, one or more of the following punishments, namely;

  1. Suspension from attending classes and academic privileges.

  2. Withholding/withdrawing scholarship/fellowship and other benefits.

  3. Debarring from appearing in any test/ examination or other evaluation process.

  4. Withholding results.

  5. Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national or international meet, tournament, youth festival, etc.

  6. Suspension/ expulsion from the hostel.

  7. Cancellation of admission.

  8. Rustication from the institution for period ranging from one to four semesters.

  9. Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other institution for a specified period.


Provided that where the persons committing or abetting the act of ragging are not identified, the institution shall resort to collective punishment.

How To Fill Online Anti-Ragging Undertaking/Affidavit? It is a simple procedure comprising 3 steps-

Step 1: Log on to www.ANTIRAGGING.in or www.AMANMOVEMENT.org and click on the button called– Fill Your Anti-ragging Undertaking. Then the student will submit his/her details on the www.antiragging.in or www.amanmovement.org and confirm that he/she & his/her parents/Guardians have read and understood the regulations on curbing the menace of ragging. He/She will confirm and agree that he/she will not engage in ragging in any form.

Step 2: On successful completion of Step 1, the student will receive an Email with his/her Anti-Ragging Undertaking Registration Number and a web link. The student will forward that link on the E mail ID of the Nodal officer of Anti-Ragging Dr. P. Narayana Prasad (Mobile No. 9810042854, Email: sdchquery@gmail.com).

Note: The student will not receive the pdf affidavits and he/she is not required to print and sign it.

Step 3: The student will provide the Anti-Ragging Undertaking Reference No. in his/her admission form as per the given format:

Anti-Ragging Undertaking Reference No.:

NOTE: At the time of admission, every student and his/her parents shall give online Anti-Ragging Undertaking/Affidavit and Legal undertaking to abide by the College Rules and Regulations and to support the principle, honor and dignity of Seema Dental College & Hospital with respect to the acceptance of College & Hostel Rules and Regulations.

The student shall be under disciplinary jurisdiction of the Principal/appropriate college authorities who may be vested with the authority to exercise disciplinary action under the rules and regulations that have been framed by the Institute in the interest of their students.

Wishing You Comfortable, Safe & Healthy Stay at SDCH!

May There Be Success At Every Turn Of Your Life & All Your Dreams Come True!


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Phone: 9837 087 627 (Mr Vivek Sang )
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